Battlefield Tours and Accommodation
23 Castle Row Tel: 01227 696050 |
“The Day the Devils Dropped In” the 6th Airborne Division 1944 Normandy Battlefield Tour. With author and 6th Airborne historian Neil Barber. The 6th Airborne Tour looks in detail at the Pegasus Bridge and Merville Battery assaults on D-Day and the crucial subsequent week of fighting. Based on Neil Barber’s extensive research, his interviews with 6th Airborne WW2 veterans and his books “The Day the Devils Dropped In” and “The Pegasus and Orne Bridges” he gives an in depth specialist view of the battles. Tours are available now: September 2023 and 80th Anniversary Tours in 2024. See website for details. |
Kouter 9 Tel: 0032 486 10 32 96 |
Get ready for a unique experience. You will drive a Willys all by yourself, green laning to WW2 crash sites in the surroundings of Mechelen, between Antwerp and Brussels. Lots of planes and buzzbombs came down in our country and visibles tracesare still there if you know where and what to look for. You can choose from several formulas, ranging from a 2-hour tour to a full 2-days tour. Check our website, of reach out, for us to find out what would fit you best. The site has an autotranslater. Please click on the US flag to see the site in English. |