Classified Advertising on MILWEB is easy and successful
– but in case you need some help here are some frequently asked questions
When will my Classified Advert appear?
MILWEB is a full time commercial operation and during office hours adverts are normally processed within a few hours.
At weekends and outside office hours, we normally process them the next working day. Badly written and incomplete adverts may be delayed. Please do not submit your advert in Upper Case (capital letters) as this will certainly delay it's appearance.
Your advertising period will run from the date the advert appears.
H ow do I edit my Classified Advert?
Please let us know what you want to change using the Contact Us page – make sure you tell us what the advert is for and use the E- mail address included in the advert.
How do I renew my advert?
A few days before your advert is due to finish, we will send you an E Mail offering a special price to re-list for a further period.
What size picture do I need?
In a perfect world we would like all pictures sent to us in 72dpi resolution and 800 x600 pixels. However we do manually check and resize all pictures before they are displayed.
I am having difficulty uploading the picture
We can only accept JPEG and GIF format pictures and our system ignores all other file types.
If the image is large – eg over 1mb, it can cause the connection between your pc and our server to time out. So please resize your picture.
My vehicle or item is sold - how do I delete my Classified Advert?
Please let us know using the Contact Us page – make sure you tell us what the advert is for and use the E- mail address included in the advert.
The buyer wants to send me a cheque for a much larger amount so I can pay the shipper.....
STOP! Don’t even think about accepting!
This is called an “Advance Fee Fraud” and it’s a popular source of income for many African crooks, predominantly Nigerians.
For full details Click Here