Wireless sets No19 and components

From our large selection of wireless set No19 and spares, we have listed a few items.
For other items you require, please contact me.
Wireless set No19 Tank set. One of the most complete sets available £2250
Wireless set No19 field portable. £1500
Wireless set No19 vehicle set £750
Wireless set No19 remote control No1 £150
Wireless set No19 pocket watch holder £40
Wireless set No19 short dog bone. 12 pin to 6 pin £50
Wireless set No19 ariel base. New old stock £100
G330 telescopic antenna £40
Wireless set No19 radio guards reproduction £175 per pair
Wireless set No19 B set antenna reproduction without rubber mount £250
WW2 Canidian vehicle radio wireless antenna mount (MK19 ECC) £75
Other military radios also available - Please ask.

Milweb Trade Seller
RR Motor Services Ltd : 01233 820219

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